The dream of a gallery for Christian Skredsvig in his home town of Eggedal started as early as the 1990s. The goal was to rebuild the old barn on the farm into a modern gallery that would first and foremost have enough wall space to be able to display Christian Skredsvig's enormously large paintings Menneskens Søn,1891 and Ungdomsfest i Eggedal, 1895 , which is owned by the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design.
The dream became a reality in 2015. By then, the Galleri Skredsvig Foundation had raised enough money to begin construction. Thanks to generous donations from the foundation Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, the Bergesen Foundation, Eckbos Legat, Anders Jahre's Humanitarian Foundation, the UNI Foundation, Sigdal Municipality, Buskerud County Municipality, Gjensidige Modum, Sigdal and Krødsherad, Adstate AS, private donors and gift reinforcement from the Ministry of Culture, the building was fully financed.
The gallery building is designed by Nils Friis at Friis Architects and built by Blink Hus Sigdal. The project manager was Chr. Skredsvig's great-granddaughter, Hege Christina Skredsvig, with responsibility for interior design. The gallery was officially opened on 18 June 2016 by the National Museums director of Older and Modern Art, Nils Ohlson.
The gallery have new exhibitions every year, with Chr. Skredsvigs paintings and sometimes together with contemporary artists.
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