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The Dam House at Labro houses the exhibition about the history of log driving in Numedalslågen. The Dam House, which was built in 1925, was designed by architect Arbo. The building was built over the gates that regulated the water to the power plant.


Amongst other things the museum highlights forestry and log driving in the river and the important role of forestry in the valley. The log flume that leads out from the Dam House is among the few that are preserved in Norway.


The building is a beautiful wooden structure. From the dam you have an incredible view of the waterfall, the log flume and the surrounding area. Skollenborg power plant is today located inside the mountain and the water that should have flowed into the waterfall comes out far below the mighty waterfall of Labrofossen. Labrofossen has been painted by several of the norwegian painters of the National Romantic era, such as I.C. Dahl and Thomas Fearnley.

The exhibition begins by showing the importance that timber has had for humans along Numedalslågen. Already 1,000 years ago, timber was exported from the outlet of the fjord. England, Iceland and Western Europe were dependent on Norwegian timber, for example for ships and house building.


Log driving in Numedalslågen ceased in 1979. This was the end of a history that spans many centuries. You can still see remnants from this along the waterway, but they are gradually disappearing. The rafting job was probably both exciting and dangerous. This was work that was carried out by tough guys who were not afraid to get their feet wet. The rafter therefore gets his place in the exhibition.


The Road Museum's exhibition in Langbrakka shows the development from path to motorway, the royal roads, engineering, bridge building and road work. In barracks buildings from the old Moen road station in Flesberg, a workshop and forge with an assortment of tools and equipment are displayed. In the outdoor area, you can see machines and equipment for foundation drilling, rock crushing, road scrapers, road graders, milling machines and plows for snow removal and other construction and maintenance work. The development of the Norwegian Motor Vehicle Authority is shown in a separate building at Langbrakka.

Labro power station was designed by Herman Major Backer and was completed in 1910. It was built by Labro Træsliberi, but was quickly purchased by Drammen Municipality, which continued to operate it through Drammen Elektrisitetsverk.

Inside the power station you will find an exhibition about the history of Labro, the construction of the power station and when the roof fell in 1994.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2